Performances for Pets​

Krōōt Juurak & Alex Bailey


Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey are artists and performers based in Vienna. Juurak works through performances, presentations, texts, workshops and mood shifts, to challenge fixed definitions of choreography and performance. She graduated in dance and choreography from ArtEZ, Arnhem in 2003 and obtained an MA in Fine Arts from Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam. Bailey also obtained an MFA at the Sandberg Institute. He is the author of the practice Humourology, a study into humour related cosmic to comic communications. Together with Juurak they created the project Performances for Pets in 2014, which they have performed for over 200 pets in cities and homes across the world. Several of Juurak and Bailey’s works are represented by Galerie International, an immaterial gallery dealing exclusively with immaterial artworks. Most recent collaborations of Juurak and Bailey include Animal Jokes (for Animals) performed at Secession, Vienna, Xing, Bologna and Bonnefanten Museum Maastricht, Workshops by Pets performed at Animals of Manchester (including Humanz) at MIF Manchester and Grazer Kunstverein as part of My Summer is Your Winter (curated by Kate Strain) and Codomestication (in collaboration which their son Albert) performed at Tanzquartier Wien and CNDB Bucharest.

Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey have been dealing with performances for pets since 2014. In addition to exploring our companion species’ tastes and humour, the project also address the fact that entertainment provided by pets working from home is often not recognised as actual work. In an aim to return at least part of this favour, Krõõt Juurak and Alex Bailey ended up devising Performances for Pets, individually adapted to the interests of dogs, cats and other species based on preliminary briefings by their owners. Although Performances for Pets is created solely for appreciation by pets, their human owners and friends are invited to join and view the performance though the eyes of the pet. Performances for Pets has already been performed over 200 times to pets in Zürich, Erlangen, Brussels, Bristol, Tallinn, Berlin, Oxnard and Vienna.